Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Brand Credibility and Purchase Intentions

Understanding the Influence of Social Media Influencers on Persuasion: The Role of Parasocial Relationships, Content Value, Authenticity, and Homophily

Social media influencers (SMIs) have become powerful figures in the world of marketing, with the ability to persuade and influence their followers through their content. The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion suggests that high-involvement subjects are persuaded by message arguments, while low-involvement subjects are more likely to be persuaded by peripheral cues such as source characteristics. SMIs deliver both informative and entertaining content to their followers, building trust and forming parasocial relationships (PSRs) with them.

PSRs are one-sided relationships formed by a media audience with a media character, in this case, SMIs. These relationships can influence followers’ attitudes and behaviors, leading to positive consumer attitudes and purchase intentions. Factors such as content value, influencer authenticity, and homophily play a significant role in fostering PSRs between influencers and their followers.

The informative value of influencers’ content, their entertainment value, authenticity, and homophily all contribute to the strength of the PSR. Followers perceive influencers as more credible and trustworthy when they are authentic and share similar values and characteristics. This, in turn, positively influences followers’ perceived brand credibility and purchase intentions.

Persuasion knowledge, or consumers’ awareness of influencers’ persuasive intent, can moderate the relationship between PSR and brand credibility, as well as purchase intention. Followers’ persuasion knowledge can either strengthen or diminish the effects of PSRs on their attitudes and behaviors towards influencer-promoted products.

Overall, the relationship between SMIs and their followers is complex and multifaceted, with various factors influencing the strength of the PSR and its impact on consumer attitudes and behaviors. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for marketers looking to leverage influencer marketing effectively in their campaigns.

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